
Leadership: Course – Book Bundle

36,97 $

Videos 140min + Books 500p


Introducing our Leadership Course and Book Bundle. 140 Minutes of Videos + Books 500 Pages of Insights: Unlock Your Full Potential as a Great Leader!

Are you looking to acquire new skills or reskill yourself in the art of leadership? Look no further! Our comprehensive Leadership Course and books provide everything you need to become an exceptional leader.

With over 140 minutes of engaging training videos, 500 pages of insightful ebooks packed with quick tips, and three audiobooks, this bundle offers a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.

Develop your charisma and authority skills through effective communication techniques, ensuring you leave a lasting impression on your team. Gain the confidence to handle crises with ease, as our course equips you with invaluable strategies for navigating challenging situations.

Unlock the secrets of dealing with dissidents, creating high-performing teams, and fostering a culture of teamwork. Learn to identify and select the right individuals for various roles, as you deepen your understanding of character assessment.

Our courses and books are meticulously crafted to offer high-quality content that is not only editable but also affordable. We understand the importance of accessibility and convenience, which is why you can access the materials wherever you go.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform yourself into an exceptional leader. Enroll in our Leadership Course and Book Bundle today and unleash your true leadership potential!

✅ Leadership Book Supremacy, 61 pages
✅ Leadership Authority, Choose To Lead, The Influential Leader, Emotional Intelligence – books, more than 400 pages
✅ Leadership Course (instructions to access online video course)

Included in Leadership Video Course:

Leadership Authority:
The 3 Most Crucial Goals for Leaders
4 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team
How to be An Influential Thought Leader in Your Industry
How to Lead by Example
The 5 Secrets of Successful Leaders
How to Encourage Productivity Without Hurting Creativity
How to Turn Your Biggest Critics Into Your Greatest Supporters
3 Ways to Have a More Commanding Presence
5 Mistakes of Bad Leaders
Top Influential Leaders to Model From
+audiobook, ebook, and bonus material

Choose To Lead:
3 Leadership Skills You Need to Learn Today
4 Ways You Can Be a Leader to Others
5 Steps to Lead the Life You’ve Always Wanted
5 Ways to Lead Without a Leadership Role
6 Mistakes You Make That Are Barriers to Your Leadership Skills
8 Things That Great Leaders Do
8 Tips to Become an Inspiring Leader
10 Skills You Need to Master Your Life
How You Can Develop Your Leadership Skills
The One Secret to Be the Leader of an Amazing Life
+audiobook and ebook

The Influential Leader:
3 Ways to Become a More Influential Leader
5 Leadership Skills to Help Your Business Grow
ll Leaders Are Readers: 5 Must-Have Books to Read to Become a Better Leader
How to Influence Others to Take Action
How to Speak So Others Will Listen
How to Stop Blaming Others and Take Ownership of Your Actions
The 3 Most Common Leadership Mistakes
Why Emotional Intelligence is Crucial for Effective Leadership
Why Empathy is the Most Important Leadership Trait
Why EVERY Manager Should be Trained in Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence:
What is Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Awareness & Emotional Understanding
Emotional Control & Empathy
The Ability Model for EI
Understanding the Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Improving your emotional intelligence
Becoming a better judge of other’s emotions
Using your emotional intelligence for better overall performance
Use emotional intelligence to understand situations better
Managing your emotional smarts like a champ
+eBook, audiobook, and bonus material

Leadership: Course – Book Bundle
36,97 $
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